For 35 years Webber Brennertechnik GmbH has been involved in the supply and development of Industrial, Commercial and Domestic applications. Whereas in the domestic and commercial / catering sectors our gas burners are usually supplied as a heat source for fitment into an appliance such as a space heater, cooker or grill, this is not necessarily so in the industrial field.
Webber industrial burners and burner systems are not only installed as a heat source, but also as working flame burners, where the flame shape and form is used as a tool to perform an operation within a production process. For processes such as the fire polishing of glass and Plexiglas, or surface treatment of plastic prior to painting, Webber gas/air, gas/oxygen and gas infrared burners frequently are the tools chosen for the job.
On our Homepage you will find further information regarding our Products and Services. Under Navigation heading 'Applications' you will find typical applications and processes to which we provide a solution. Under the Navigation heading 'Products' is to be found further technical information regarding our burners and burner systems.
We are always interested to hear from our customers or perspective customers. For many of our customers gas burners are not a commodity which they purchase everyday! Please feel free to contact us for further information or help. This can be done either by an E-Mail, using the Feedback form, or simply by Telephone.
Salinger Feld 32 | DE-58454 Witten
Tel: +49 02302 89089-0 | Fax: +49 2302 89089-10
Mo-Tu: 08:30 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:30-17:00 Uhr
Fr: 08:30 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:30 - 15:00 Uhr